
Jennifer Lopez’s reputation takes another hit amid Ben Affleck divorce drama | Pro Hub of News

Jennifer Lopez’s reputation has suffered another blow as Meghan McCain adds her voice to those speaking out about the reality behind the singer-actor.

On her podcast, Citizen McCain, The View host didn’t hold back, describing Lopez as “deeply unpleasant” and a “diva” based on her own experience of having her on the show.

“I can attest to similar negative experiences that many others have shared with the world,” McCain stated. “It’s unfortunate because we’re at a point where there’s a trend of bullying towards J.Lo. She simply isn’t a pleasant person to be around.”

McCain went on to detail the size of Lopez’s entourage, surpassing even the likes of Kim Kardashian and the President, leaving her puzzled as to its necessity.

“She wasn’t kind,” McCain recalled. “Being pleasant isn’t always mandatory, but it was surprising that someone like Kim Kardashian couldn’t be more enjoyable.”

“When you’re appearing on a show for a brief segment… just put on a facade for ten minutes,” she added.

McCain and her co-host Miranda Wilkins also disclosed that Lopez’s team had previously removed their negative comments about her from the internet in April, but these comments have since resurfaced.

“She had our video taken down,” Wilkins added about the incident, which has since been rectified. “We’re currently in a dispute with her.”