Zoe Saldana recently had a lively chat during her appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. The actress, known for her roles in Guardians of the Galaxy and Avatar, shared insights into the production of the third installment of the Avatar franchise.
During the show, host Jimmy Fallon brought up a picture of Saldana in CGI motion capture gear and jokingly asked if it was from Avatar 3. Saldana confirmed and mentioned that they had filmed both the second and third parts of Avatar, starting back in 2017.
Saldana explained that while Avatar 2 has already been released, Avatar 3 is still a work in progress due to the extensive technology involved. She humorously recounted a recent experience where she was called in for pick-up shots in January. Despite being told it would be hassle-free, she found herself posing with her character’s dragon in a challenging squatting position. Saldana, who hadn’t been to the gym in a while, joked about needing assistance to return to a normal pose, adding a humorous touch to her Avatar filming anecdotes.