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Selena Gomez, Benny Blanco’s relationship ‘will last’ | Pro Hub of News

Selena Gomez, Benny Blanco's relationship 'will last' | Pro Hub of News

Selena Gomez, Benny Blanco's relationship 'will last' | Pro Hub of News

Selena Gomez’s inner circle believes that her relationship with Benny Blanco is here to stay, according to an insider from Entertainment Tonight. The source shared that Selena feels very at home and at ease with Benny, and their friends, family, and loved ones on both sides are supportive and happy to see them together. The insider added that it seems like an amazing and long-lasting relationship between the two.

Selena confirmed her romance with Benny in December 2023 after a fan account shared the news, revealing that they had been dating for six months. The source emphasized Benny’s admiration for Selena, describing her as brilliant, talented, genuine, sweet, and intelligent. The insider noted that Benny respects everything Selena stands for and admires her ability to speak her personal truths and share her experiences with the world.

Selena recently shared a picture of herself and Benny showing PDA backstage at the Golden Globes 2024, seemingly unfazed by her loss in the Best Actress category for a Television Series. She captioned the image with, “I won.”

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